Kim Totzke
City Cuisine Bread Recipe
This came from the City Cuisine Cookbook. It was the recipe we used at Cakewalk, back when “Mama,” Deb [Paquette], was there. It was always listed as “Interesting Bread” on the menu and it went alongside a salad or soup. It calls for three ripe bananas, but you can use anything and this bread will work. Whatever was leftover, we put it in the Interesting Bread. Curried sweet potatoes? Put it in the Interesting Bread. Macerated strawberries? Put it in the Interesting Bread. I’m not a baker, but I can do anything with food. But for this, you can use any kind of puree, it just needed to be the right consistency. It was the indestructible bread.
I knew I had this recipe somewhere. We looked all over for it. And then we found it: It was in the wine cabinet bottom drawer.
This bread is like me. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it pulls through everytime. It’s reliable, like me.